Yesterday was the day of our big Downtown Halloween Trick-or-Treat. I handmade my puggle, Chloe, a Starbucks Puggle Spice Latte costume and she really stole the show!! I couldn't walk her 5 feet without someone commenting on her costume or snapping a picture of her. I am not sure she liked the attention all that much..\
VOTE for Chloe and help her win the PETCO Costume Contest HERE!
Here I am with the Bandelier National Monument Mascot, Abert (The Abert Squirrel)
Chloe's Puggle Spice Latte costume
This is how she looks when she sees other dogs...
Cruella Deville
I may not have scored any candy, but Chloe got a pack of dog treats from the downtown pet supply store!
Thanks for reading,